The Air navigation Division generates its revenue by charging fees for the provision of air navigation services throughout the Republic of Zambia as mandated by the Civil Aviation act number 5 of 2016.
The act further gives the Corporation authority to collect air navigation charges on cost recovery basis as provided by Section 116 (1) of the Civil aviation act number 5 of 2016 which states that “A charge for the use of air navigation services provided within the Zambian airspace consists of a charge for financing the costs for overflight services, terminal services and other services and shall be paid by the operator.
Below are the Air Navigation Services that are charged:
- Over-flight charges,
- International navigation charge
- Domestic navigation charge
- Aeronautical information Publication (AIP)
The formulas for charging Air navigation charges are stipulated below:
For International and Overflight navigation charges we use the formula

D=Distance covered in the Zambian airspace
MTOW = the maximum take-off weight of the aircraft.
For Domestic navigation charges we charge 15% of domestic landing fees based on the Maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of an aircraft.
Where domestic Navigation charge is Less than USD5.00, the minimum navigation charge of USD5.00 is applied.
Payment for Navigation fees
To pay for ANS services please use the link below:
For ANS service inquiries, please fill out the form with your request